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Category: Perl
Perl -> PHP


I need to do some pattern matching in PHP. I need to find all the HTTP: and MAILTO: in a body of text and add <A> tags around them so they are clickable. I did this in Perl:

foreach(@body) {s/(http:|www|)([^s^>^]]+)/<A HREF="$1$2" TARGET=_blank>$1$2</A>/i};


foreach(@body) {s/(mailto:[^s]+@[^s^>^]]+)/<A HREF="$1">$1</A>/i};

which works fine. (suggest a better method?) How can I do the same in PHP?

Thanks for your help!

i would look here...

regular expressions are basically the same in PHP and Perl as far as i can tell.

oh yeah... this is a good explanation for what your looking for....

hope that helps

[This message has been edited by ccbcreg (edited November 27, 2000).]


Thanks for all your links! I didn't know I could do the same in PHP. The tutorial you pointed to was very helpful too!

I have a qusetion tough.... I wanted to match , and the only way I got it to work was (8 of them!). I was wondering why that is... I thought i only needed 4 (the case with Perl).

Anyway, Thanks!

[This message has been edited by syin (edited November 27, 2000).]

Try this,

but I didn't test it, it should come pretty close though!

eregi_replace('mailto:([a-z0-9]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)+)","<a href="mailto:1">1</a>",$text);

eregi_replace("http://([^[]*)","<a href="http://1" TARGET="_new">1</a>",$text);

Wid regards to the problem, try enclosing your regex in single inverted commas eg: '[:alnum:]'.

You should be able to use afterwards.



[This message has been edited by releasedj (edited November 28, 2000).]

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